Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Activity Four

For this activity please refer to the Wisconsin Science Standards at this website:

At this site you will find Standards A- H for grades 4, 8 and 12.  Since most of the students in this class are future early childhood educators, I would like for you to focus on the Grade 4 Standards.  If you would like, feel free to address the other grade levels if you would like!

To complete Activity 4, choose a sub-standard under each of the Standards A thru H and describe something that you have done either in this class or outside of this class, perhaps in previous classes, that indicates that you have met the sub-standard. Each of these descriptions should be at least a paragraph long.

Standard A:
Standard 4.5 states that "when studying a science-related problem, decide what changes over time have occured or are occuring." This standard has applied to almost all of my science classes through out middle school, high school, as well as college. You need to decide what changes in order to figure out what is progressing and changing, and what is staying the same. These things help develop different ideas and understanding of what could possibly happen in the next step if it is evolving. For exampe, in my Biology class in college, we had a lab every week. In this lab, we had to follow the scientific method and figure out data that we all collected to find one large conclusion statement. Using the data, we could look at the variables and decide what was changing, and what was staying the same. I have met this standard by using it in almost every science class, and figuring out my previous labs by looking at changing figures.

Standard B:
Standard 4.1 says "use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations". I have met this standard multiple times, in multiple classes. In every assignment, you need to research outside sources to help you find an answer and figure out what the best answer is. Researching helps give you multiple answers and if it is the correct answer, in multiple ways. Getting the right answer can help you figure out what your next step is, and this standard can be applied to every class you are in.

Standard C:
Standard 4.7 states "support their conclusions with logical arguments". As explained in the previous standard, you need multiple resources to come up with a reasonable conclusion. This conclusion helps you verify your answer and explanation, helping you come up with logical arguements for your answer. This helps explain your findings, and presents a way of critical thinking while using science and getting your answer. I have met this standard by finding an answer, and then creating logical explanations for further questions about my findings as well as about the experiement in general. This standard was met in multiple classes, as I have had to do multiple labs and have had many science classes.

Standard D:
Standard 4.3 "understand that substances can exist in different states-solid, liquid, gas". This standard has been met by using these different types to find different answers with experiments. Using all of these substances can produce varying results, and it can help show that they are all very different substances. You shouldn't mix them unless you have specific instructions on what to do. I have worked with all 3 of these substances before, and I have used them in experiments to find certain data and answers for my questions and hypothesis.

Standard E:
Standard 4.6 "using the science themes, find patterns and cycles in the earth's daily, yearly, and long-term changes". One of the most obvious examples involving the earths patterns are the seasons of the year. In the midwest, we have 4 seasons while some places have never had snow or the fall. Another prime example would be global warming. The physical changes that are appearing around the world is remarkable, and this is happening on a daily basis. The daily things that people are doing are drastically affecting the way the world's temperature maintains. I have had to do research on this topic, as well as things like the seasons in my classes, so we could get a well rounded viewpoint on everything that is going on within the world and its variables.

Standard F:
"Illustrate the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their type". There are two controversial theories that go along with this standard. One is natural selection, explaining that things that die out are not mean to survive, and the strongest will adapt and find ways to live through the changes. Another is evolution, stating that as time goes on, things evolve and become better. They reproduce differently with other breeds to make new breeds, and that is an extremely controversial subject within the public school system. I have had to learn how organisms grow and adapt to changes in their enviornment, as well as learning what they go through in order to survive and what has changed from the beginning. I have had to study these things in multiple classes, and we had a long period of time in learning the different life stages of organisms and the way that they adapt to their current enviornment to ensure survivial.

Standard G:
4.2 says "discover what changes in technology have occurred in a career chosen by a parent, grandparent, or an adult friend over a long period of time". This standard has been met by someone I know personally. My mother is a teacher in the school district where I am originally from. They implement a ton of technology as it advances through the years and they all have adapted to this new technology in order for the students to get as much as they can possible out of the yearly curriculum. The technology that has been made has given the students the opportunity to research so many things on the internet, as well as getting more hands-on learning with smart-boards, and iPads. My mother has had to be kept up to date with all the technology, because it advances so quickly. The career is directly affected by technology, and it helps children learn in a way that everyone can understand.

Standard H:
Standard 4.3 explains "show how science has contributed to meeting personal needs, including hygiene, nutrition, exercise, safety, and health care". This standard has a wide range of subjects. Science has proven to show explanations and results for all of these things. It explains how some makeup makes your skin smoother, how some deoderant takes away smell, how music helps you exercise and get motivated, etc. Science has helped make all of these things easier and more convenient for you in your daily life, and it makes people want to get more involved if it is easier to access. It also gives you up to date information on things like healthcare, so you are always getting the best product as well as giving you information on what the medicine is and what your doctor can write out for you. Science has helped healthcare greatly; with how far it has come from the beginning. Science has helped every aspect of life, and its current findings are constantly making your life better and more informed.

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